We blow the trumpet to prepare the Bride of Christ, the Church Ephesians.

Ephesians 5:27, Revelation 21:19


Dine with the King Ministries carries a prophetic message. It was birthed in 2009.

While in prayer the Angel of the Lord visited Pastor Vennie Nsenga and gave a message of revival and restoration of God's glory among His people. (Hebrews 1:14)

The ministry works international and inter-denominational in cooperation with pastors, leaders and local churches to rise up spiritual leaders, who will be able to usher in revival through seminars, conferences, and prayer networking (prayer altars).

The German team works hand in hand with the local partners.

The beginning

The Ministry started in Uganda by reaching out to village churches in  remote areas. These little, poor churches are often left alone in their daily struggles and even their spiritual needs.  The mobile discipleship school of Dine with the King Ministries visits the churches in their areas to encourage, teach and support. The mission Initiantion and all local preparations are carried out by the inviting churches.  The ministry offers accompanying support and keeps the contact.

God's awakening call to

the Body of Christ worldwide

Dine with the King Ministries is not only working in the village churches. The ministry reaches out beyond the borders of Uganda to neighbouring Nations and also to Europe. 

The impact of prayer altars (networking) and restoration of God’s presence in the churches has great influence on the community and nations.


The Results

Fruits of these discipleship trainings are:

  • a changed mind
  • spiritual refreshment and revival
  • a transformed life
  • forgiveness and reconciliation
  • unity and effective cooperations
  • vital prayers
  • re-established prayer altars and 
  •  prayer networks
  • establishment of true worship

The unification of Pastors is leading to restoration in their own lives and homes.



is manifesting in all areas of life, privately as well as in the churches, Revival always begins with a personal life. Reconciliation,

healing, deliverance, renewal and increase leave a powerful impact to the whole community. The influence into the society increases and spreads to other areas.

The unity of churches empowers them to effective outreaches to fulfil the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Confession

1.We believe in the Triune God, the Holy Trinity, represented in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We believe in God the Father as the Almighty and Holy God, the creator of the universe which was spoken into existence by His divine power.

He is eternal and sovereign, a loving God who willingly gave His only Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sin.

We believe in Jesus Christ as God's only Son, who became human and willingly chooses to lay down His life in order to redeem sinners and reconcile the world back to God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified unto death, buried and resurrected on the third day. He ascended to His Father in heaven and will return in Glory to reign as King on earth

We believe that Jesus is the living word who took on human flesh, but also poses and expresses all the deity of God the Father.

We believe in the Bible as inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.

We believe that men wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and God was the ultimate author and protector of His word to mankind. It is the supreme and final authority on the spiritual guidance. Nothing in contradiction to the word of God should be accepted as the truth.


The Discipleship Training

It promotes intimacy relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s presence is experienced afresh in praise, worship, prayer, sharing the word and fellowship.

Some of the topics are:

  1. the Kingdom of God
  2. God's character
  3. God's presence and glory
  4. our identity as His children
  5. our position in Christ
  6. our mission and assignment
  7. worship in spirit and truth
  8. a fruitful life in God's presence
  9. repentance and revival
  10. a changed life
  11. unity, love, holiness
  12. endtime church
  13. preparing the Bride of Christ